Latest News

Notice Board

1 Notice regarding commencement of classes for PG Sem-IV   24/03/2025
2 Notice regarding P.G sem I form fill up 2024   22/03/2025
3 Regarding absentee list sem-III internal assessment 2024   22/03/2025
4 Notice regarding seminar organised by Bengali department   21/03/2025
5 Internal assessment for minor vocational courses of UG 3rd sem-2024   20/03/2025
6 Notice regarding kanyashree (K2) scholarship   20/03/2025
7 Regarding prize distribution ceremoney for poster making competition   20/03/2025
8 Notice for reopen portal sem I 2024   19/03/2025
9 Notice reagrding OASIS scholarship   18/03/2025
10 Notice regarding kanyashree (k2) scholarship   18/03/2025
11 Notice for review PG sem II 2024   18/03/2025
12 College holiday notice   13/03/2025
13 Notice regarding Sem-I I-card distribution   12/03/2025
14 Notice Regarding Sem. 3 Internal for AEC & IDC   11/03/2025
15 Notice reagrding internal assessment for sem-III   11/03/2025
16 Notice regarding sem-I ENVS project submission   11/03/2025
17 Programme on the ocassion of International Women's Day celebration   10/03/2025
18 Notice for registration   07/03/2025
19 Regarding commencement of sem-vi classes   06/03/2025
20 Regarding International Women's Day celebration   04/03/2025
21 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V exam on 04.03.2025   03/03/2025
22 Regarding free Blood Donation Camp schedule   01/03/2025
23 Notice regarding sem-I form fillup 2024   28/02/2025
24 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V exam on 03.03.2025   28/02/2025
25 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V exam on 28.02.2025   27/02/2025
26 SUMMARY FOR PG SEMESTER III 2024   24/02/2025
27 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V exam on 27.02.2025   24/02/2025
28 College holiday notice on 26.02.2025   24/02/2025
29 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V exam on 25.02.2025   24/02/2025
30 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V   21/02/2025
31 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V   20/02/2025
32 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V   20/02/2025
33 Notice for registration   19/02/2025
34 Regarding summary of seat plan for Sem-V   18/02/2025
35 Notice for reopen portal sem-V 2024   17/02/2025
36 Notice regarding free Blood Donation Camp   17/02/2025
37 Notice regarding PG Sem-III Englisg internal exam   15/02/2025
38 College holiday notice   12/02/2025
39 Notice regarding parent-teachers' meeting   10/02/2025
40 Notice regarding internal assessment sem-3 2024-25   08/02/2025
41 Notice regarding PG Sem-3 admission   08/02/2025
42 Notice for library book requisition   07/02/2025
43 Notice regarding poster competition   06/02/2025
44 Notice for PG Sem-I English students regarding registration   06/02/2025
45 College holiday notice on account of Saraswati Puja   01/02/2025
46 Notice regarding Kanyashree (K2) scholarship   31/01/2025
47 P.G sem-III form fill up 2024   30/01/2025
48 Notice to all sem-I 2024 PG students (5th phase)   27/01/2025
49 Regarding sports schedule and duty roster   25/01/2025
50 Notice for observation of 76th Republic Day   25/01/2025
51 Notice regarding Endowment prize distribution   24/01/2025
52 Notice regarding kanyashree (K2) scholarship   24/01/2025
53 Regarding Duare Sarkar (Students Credit Card Scheme)   22/01/2025
54 Room allotment & Invigilation duty list for sem-V internal assessment   21/01/2025
55 Notice regarding annual sports & games   21/01/2025
56 Notice regarding sem-5 form fillup   21/01/2025
57 Notice regarding library card for sem-3 & sem-5 students   21/01/2025
58 Notice regarding sports committee meeting   18/01/2025
59 Hindi (AEEC) internal for sem-1 students (2024-25)   16/01/2025
60 Room allotment and invigilation duty for sem-1 internal assessment 2024   13/01/2025
61 College holiday notice   13/01/2025
62 Notice regarding internal assessment sem-I 2024-25   11/01/2025
63 Notice regarding charge hand over   10/01/2025
64 Notice regarding internal assessment sem-I 2024-25   09/01/2025
65 College holiday notice on 08.01.2025   07/01/2025
66 Scholarship hard copies will be received on 6th & 7th Jan, 2025   05/01/2025
67 Notice regarding Poster Making Competition   04/01/2025
68 All scholarship related works will be stop due to NAAC visit   04/01/2025
69 Regarding NAAC pear team visit   04/01/2025
70 College holiday notice on account of Christmas Day   24/12/2024
71 Notice to all 1st sem PG student (3rd phase) regarding collection of Application form & Anti ragging form   20/12/2024
72 Reopen Registration cum Enrolment - Sem 1 - 2024-25 (NEP)   19/12/2024
73 Notice for provetional certificate distribution SEM-VI GEN   16/12/2024
74 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 from 17th Dec. to 21st Dec.   16/12/2024
75 Notice to all U.G & P.G Sem-I & III students regarding identity card   16/12/2024
76 Students data for Banglar Ucchosikkha Portal   14/12/2024
77 Notice regarding sem-III admission 2024   10/12/2024
78 Notice for NSS volunteer regarding collection of certificate   09/12/2024
79 Regarding members of the tender committee dated 23/11/2024 (sl 1 & 2)   07/12/2024
80 Regarding cultural competetion result   07/12/2024
81 Regarding library orientation programme   06/12/2024
82 Notice for all students regarding collection of cycle stand token   04/12/2024
83 Students data for Banglar Ucchosikkha portal   04/12/2024
84 Class suspension notice due to Annual Cultural Competition   03/12/2024
85 Regarding commencement of classes for UG Sem-III students   03/12/2024
86 4th Phase Sem-1 Verification Notice   30/11/2024
87 Notice regarding annual sports   30/11/2024
88 NOTICE FOR SEM V SUBJECT CHOOSE 2024   29/11/2024
89 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 on 30th Nov.   29/11/2024
90 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 on 29th Nov.   28/11/2024
91 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 on 28th Nov.   27/11/2024
92 Notice for all 1st Sem PG students (2nd phase) for collection of application form & Anti-ragging form   27/11/2024
93 4th Phase Online Admission Sem-I 2024   27/11/2024
94 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 on 27th Nov.   27/11/2024
95 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 on 26th Nov.   25/11/2024
96 Regarding awareness camp for student credit card   23/11/2024
97 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 on 25th Nov.   23/11/2024
98 Re-opening of registration cum enrollment portal for sem-I students   23/11/2024
99 Notice regarding NSS special camp   22/11/2024
100 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2024 on 23rd Nov.   22/11/2024
101 Notice for reopen portal sem II 2024 2nd time   22/11/2024
102 Re-enrolment (2024-25): Semester-1 (2024-25) student list   21/11/2024
104 Notice regarding last date for registration cum enrollment form verification   19/11/2024
105 College holiday notice   14/11/2024
106 Regarding Sem-V admission 2024   14/11/2024
107 Notice for reopen portal sem II 2024   11/11/2024
108 Notice for result distribution SEM III 2023   30/10/2024
109 Regarding fresh enrolment of already registered students for session 2024-25   30/10/2024
110 Notice for 3rd & 5th sem students regarding hostel seat rent   29/10/2024
111 College holiday notice   28/10/2024
112 Registration cum Enrolment -Verification - Sem 1 - 2024-25 (NEP)   28/10/2024
113 Notice for review PG sem I 2023 & sem IV 2024   25/10/2024
114 Registration Noice & User Manual -Sem 1 - 2024-25 (NEP)   24/10/2024
115 Semester-1 Minor Change Notice 2024   23/10/2024
116 Sem-II Admission & Form fillup notice 2024   22/10/2024
117 Notice for result distribution Sem VI 2024   21/10/2024
118 Notice regarding commencement of Sem-V classes   21/10/2024
119 Notice regarding "Puja Holiday"   04/10/2024
120 Notice regarding kanyashree (K2) scholarship   03/10/2024
121 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 04th Oct.   03/10/2024
122 Notice for all PG Sem-I students to collect application form & Anti-ragging form   01/10/2024
123 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 04th Oct.   01/10/2024
124 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 03rd Oct.   01/10/2024
125 Notice regarding distribution of Pidilite Course certificate   30/09/2024
126 College holiday notice on 02.10.24   30/09/2024
127 Notice for review Sem-VI 2024   28/09/2024
128 Regarding commencement of classes of PG Sem-III   26/09/2024
129 Class suspension on 26th Sept. 2024 after 11:30am   26/09/2024
130 3rd Phase Admission Verification Semester-1 2024   24/09/2024
131 Class suspension notice on 25/09/2024 after 2:15pm   24/09/2024
132 Notice regarding ABC ID (Mobile & Aadhar Linking) for Sem-I   23/09/2024
133 Notice regarding old cloth distribution by NGO   18/09/2024
134 Notice regarding NSS campus cleaning drive   18/09/2024
135 Notice regarding suspension of Sem-IV exams on 19th & 20th Sept.   18/09/2024
136 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 19th Sept.   18/09/2024
137 Notice for review Sem-III 2023   13/09/2024
138 Notice regarding Sem-II internal assessment for CVA: Digital and Technological Solutions   13/09/2024
139 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 18th Sept.   13/09/2024
140 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 13th Sept.   12/09/2024
141 College holiday notice on 14/09/2024 & 16/09/2024   12/09/2024
142 Notice for registration card distribution 2023   11/09/2024
143 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 12th Sept.   11/09/2024
144 Notice regarding ABC ID for Sem-I students   09/09/2024
145 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 10th Sept. 2nd Half   09/09/2024
146 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 10th Sept.   09/09/2024
147 Summary of Seat Plan PG Sem-II Exam 2024   05/09/2024
148 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2024 on 6th, 7th & 9th Sept.   04/09/2024
149 Notice for reopen portal sem IV 2024   03/09/2024
150 3rd Phase Online Admission Semester -1, 2024   03/09/2024
151 P.G SEM II 2024 FORM FILL UP REOPEN PORTAL   28/08/2024
152 Semester-1_ Phase-2 Verification Notice 2024   27/08/2024
153 College holiday notice on account of 'Janmastami'   24/08/2024
154 Notice for Sem-VI students regarding marksheet distribution & "Chirayata" membership   23/08/2024
155 Notice for English Dept. students regarding internal exam for IDC & AEC   21/08/2024
156 Regarding absentee list internal exam, Sem-II 2024   20/08/2024
157 2nd Phase Hostel Notice and List 2024-25   17/08/2024
158 College holiday notice on account of "Rakhi Bandhan"   16/08/2024
159 College holiday notice on account of 78th Independance Day   14/08/2024
160 Update notice of Sem 4 form fillup 2024   13/08/2024
161 Notice for review PG sem III 2023   13/08/2024
162 Notice egarding Sem-IV form fillup 2024   13/08/2024
163 Notice regarding Sem-2 admission cancelled   13/08/2024
164 Notice for all to participate in Flag Hoisting Ceremony   13/08/2024
165 Notice regarding 2nd semester admission 2024   10/08/2024
166 Notice regarding submission of scholarship hard copy   10/08/2024
167 Notice regarding Kanyashree (K2) scholarship   10/08/2024
168 Notice regarding scholarship   10/08/2024
169 Notice regarding a special lecture organised by English department   09/08/2024
170 College Holiday Notice   08/08/2024
171 Notice regarding PG Sem-II admission   07/08/2024
172 P.G sem II form fill up 2024   07/08/2024
173 Notice regarding charge handover   05/08/2024
174 Notice regarding charge handover   05/08/2024
175 Hostel Notice and List 2024-25   05/08/2024
176 Summary of Seat Plan for ANM & GNM Exam 2024   03/08/2024
177 Centralised Admission Portal Schedule of Phase-II (Mop Up Round)   03/08/2024
178 Notice regarding date extension & verification of Sem-I courses   02/08/2024
179 Notice to all teachers for Sem-I student verification   01/08/2024
180 Notice regarding internal assessment of Sem-II   31/07/2024
181 Regarding summary of seat plan PG Sem-IV exam 2024   30/07/2024
182 Semester -1 Hostel Admission Notice 2024   26/07/2024
183 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-VI exam 2024 on 27.07.2024   26/07/2024
184 Notice for all students to collect Thalassemia report   25/07/2024
185 4-Years and 3-Years Major Semester-1 Document Verification Notice 2024   25/07/2024
186 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-VI exam 2024 on 26.07.2024   25/07/2024
187 Notice regarding OASIS scholarship   24/07/2024
188 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-VI exam 2024   24/07/2024
189 Notice for result distribution Sem V 2023   24/07/2024
190 Notice regarding departmental meeting   23/07/2024
191 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-VI exam 2024   23/07/2024
192 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-VI exam 2024   22/07/2024
193 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-VI exam 2024   19/07/2024
194 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-VI exam 2024   18/07/2024
195 Notice for reopen portal sem VI 2024 2nd time   18/07/2024
196 College holiday notice on account of Muharram   16/07/2024
197 Notice regarding commencement of classes for Sem-II   13/07/2024
198 Notice for review Sem-V 2023   10/07/2024
199 Notice regarding Swami Vivekananda scholarship   10/07/2024
200 Notice regarding ST scholarship   10/07/2024
201 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-I AEC   08/07/2024
202 Notice regarding HRA form submission   06/07/2024
203 Notice regarding PG (English) Sem-IV internal assessment exam 2024   06/07/2024
204 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-I CVA   06/07/2024
205 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-I MDC & IDC   05/07/2024
206 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-I SEC & AECC   04/07/2024
207 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-I (Major)   03/07/2024
208 Notice regarding UG CBCS Sem-I fees & form submission   03/07/2024
209 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-I (Major)   02/07/2024
210 Notice to celebrate "Special Days"   28/06/2024
211 Notice regarding workshop on Research Methodology   28/06/2024
212 Programme schedule & room allotment for Internal Assessment Sem-IV   27/06/2024
213 Notice for reopen portal sem I 2023   27/06/2024
214 College holiday notice on account of "Doctors Day"   27/06/2024
215 Admission Brochure 2024-25   25/06/2024
216 Notice regarding Sem-IV (CBCS) internal assessment   24/06/2024
217 UG Notification: Centralised Admission for 2024-2025   23/06/2024
218 Press Note on Centralised Admission Portal   23/06/2024
219 Notice Regarding Registration cum Enrollment and fresh enrollment for UG Sem-I Students   21/06/2024
220 Notice regarding PG Sem-IV admission   21/06/2024
221 Notice for all to donate Sarees for charity   18/06/2024
222 Notice Regarding P.G Sem-IV form fill up 2024   18/06/2024
223 Regarding seminar on "Yoga for women empowerment and importance of yoga in modern society"   18/06/2024
224 Notice Regarding Celebration of International Yoga Day   15/06/2024
225 Notice for reopen portal sem VI 2024   14/06/2024
226 Notice regarding charge handover   10/06/2024
227 Notice regarding 1st Sem exam 2023 form fillup   10/06/2024
228 Notice regarding charge hand over   10/06/2024
229 Notice regarding half-holiday   10/06/2024
230 Holiday notice on account of Buddha Purnima   21/05/2024
231 Notice for result distribution Sem II 2023   20/05/2024
232 ABSENTEE LIST-Sem 6 Internal Assessment   18/05/2024
233 Notice regarding summer vacation   17/05/2024
234 Notice for form fillup CBCS Sem-VI exam 2024   09/05/2024
235 Room allotment for UG sem-VI internal exam, 2024   07/05/2024
236 College holiday notice on account of Rabindra Jayanti   06/05/2024
237 Notice to all hosteller students to submit seat rent   06/05/2024
238 College holiday notice on account of May Day   29/04/2024
239 Notice for online class due to Loksabha Election 2024   29/04/2024
240 Sem VI Internal Assessment 2024   29/04/2024
241 Regarding summary of seat plan W.B Joint Entrance Exam-2024   27/04/2024
242 Reopen (2nd time)-Registration cum Enrolment - Sem 1 - 2023-24 (NEP)   20/04/2024
243 Notice for result distribution Sem IV 2023   18/04/2024
244 College holiday notice   16/04/2024
245 Notice for 2nd, 4th & 6th sem students regarding library card   15/04/2024
246 Notice regarding WBJEE Examination-2024    12/04/2024
247 College holiday notice   12/04/2024
248 College holiday notice on account of 'Eid-UL-Fitr'   08/04/2024
249 College holiday notice on 06/04/2024   04/04/2024
250 Re-enrolment notice sem-I 2023-24 (NEP)   04/04/2024
251 Notice for Sem-II review 2023   02/04/2024
252 Notice for Sem-IV review 2023   02/04/2024
253 Regarding commencement of PG Sem-II classes   01/04/2024
254 Notice regarding Sem-VI admission   01/04/2024
255 Notice regarding Sem-IV admission   01/04/2024
256 Regarding summary of seat plan PG Sem-I exam 2023   30/03/2024
257 Notice regarding charge handover   30/03/2024
258 Notice regarding Students' Short Flim Competition 2024   28/03/2024
259 Notice regarding charge handover   23/03/2024
260 College holiday notice on account of "Doljatra"   23/03/2024
261 Regarding commencement of PG Sem-IV classes   22/03/2024
262 Notice regarding charge handover   21/03/2024
263 Regarding MA Sem-I examination venue    19/03/2024
264 Programme on occasion of International Women's Day   19/03/2024
265 Notice regarding commencement of class for Sem-II & Sem-IV students   19/03/2024
266 Regarding summary of seat plan Sem-III exam 2023 on 18.03.24   16/03/2024
267 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc/B.Com Sem-III exam 2023 on 16.03.24   15/03/2024
268 Notice for result distribution Sem I 2022   15/03/2024
269 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc/B.Com Sem-III exam 2023 on 15.03.24   14/03/2024
270 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc Sem-III exam 2023 on 12.03.24   09/03/2024
271 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc/B.Com Sem-III exam 2023 on 11.03.24   09/03/2024
272 Notice for semester I registration reopen portal   07/03/2024
273 Notice regarding Thalassemia Testing & Awareness Camp   06/03/2024
274 Regarding poster competition on brhalf of International Womens Day   06/03/2024
275 Notice regarding concession form verification   06/03/2024
276 Notice regarding awareness camp   06/03/2024
277 Notice regarding form submission of MA Sem-I 2023   06/03/2024
278 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc Sem-III exam 2023 on 06.03.24   05/03/2024
279 College holiday notice on account of "Shivaratri"   05/03/2024
280 Regarding summary of seat plan for PG Sem-III exam 2023 on 06.03.24   05/03/2024
281 Regarding Short Film Competition 2024 organised by NSS Unit-1   04/03/2024
282 Regarding summary of seat plan for PG Sem-III exam 2023 on 5th, 7th, 11th & 13th March   04/03/2024
283 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc Sem-III exam 2023 on 13.03.24   04/03/2024
284 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc Sem-III exam 2023 on 19.03.24   04/03/2024
285 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc Sem-III exam 2023 on 13.03.24   04/03/2024
286 Notice regarding charge handover   02/03/2024
287 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.A/B.Sc Sem-III exam 2023   02/03/2024
288 Regarding summary of seat plan for B.Sc Sem-III exam 2023   02/03/2024
289 Regarding summary of set plan sem-III exam 2023   01/03/2024
290 Notice for reopen portal PG Semester-III 2023   28/02/2024
291 Notice for reopen portal sem-III 2023 2nd time   28/02/2024
292 Notice regarding charge handover   24/02/2024
293 College Holiday Notice on account of "Shab-e-Barat"   24/02/2024
294 Notice regarding charge handover   21/02/2024
295 College holiday notice due to sad dismissal of Pranayachand Mahatab, Maharajkumar of Burdwan   21/02/2024
296 Notice for Sem-I registration fee   20/02/2024
297 Notice to Sem-I students for re-enrolment   20/02/2024
298 Notice regarding ABC Id creation for Sem-I students   20/02/2024
299 Notice for Registration cum Enrolment - Sem 1 - 2023-24 (NEP)   17/02/2024
300 Notice regarding sem-III exam fees and form submission   16/02/2024
301 Notice to sem-I students who opted Hindi as AEC subject   16/02/2024
302 Notice to all sem-VI students regarding their class   16/02/2024
303 Notice regarding meeting about Saraswati Puja   12/02/2024
304 Seat Plan Summary of 10.02.2024 Semester-V Examinations   09/02/2024
305 Regarding room allotment for sem-I internal assessment   09/02/2024
306 College holiday notice on account of Saraswati Puja   09/02/2024
307 Regarding exam time of sem-I internal assessment of CVA course   08/02/2024
308 Regarding question paper submission for sem-I internal assessment   08/02/2024
309 Seat Plan Summary of 09.02.24 & 10.02.24 Semester-V Examinations   08/02/2024
310 Regarding Sem-I Internal Assessment Schedule   07/02/2024
311 Regarding PG (English) Sem-III Supplementary Internal Assessment Exam 2024   07/02/2024
312 Notice for review PG Sem-II   06/02/2024
313 Seat Plan Summary of 07.02.2024 Semester-V Examinations   06/02/2024
314 Notice regarding International Seminar on "Bioresources-Uses and Sustainable management"   05/02/2024
315 Notice for students having less than 50% class attendance   05/02/2024
316 Notice regarding internal assessment of Sem-I (3 yr/4 yr degree)   05/02/2024
317 Summary of 06.02.2024 Semester-V Examinations   03/02/2024
318 Regarding summary of set plan sem-v exam 2023   03/02/2024
319 Notice for review Sem-I 2022   02/02/2024
320 Regarding summary of seat plan sem-v general exam 2023   02/02/2024
321 P.G sem III form fill up 2023   31/01/2024
322 Regarding summary of set plan sem-v exam 2023   31/01/2024
323 Regarding observation of 75th Republic Day   25/01/2024
324 Regarding Sem-III defaulter list   24/01/2024
325 Regarding reopening of web portal for sem-V exam fees & form submission   24/01/2024
326 Regarding U.G Sem-III review/scrutiny   17/01/2024
327 Regarding PG English Sem-I & Sem-III Internal Assessment Exam   17/01/2024
328 Regarding internal assessment room alottment for sem-III arts   16/01/2024
329 Regarding internal assessment Sem-III room alottment   10/01/2024
330 Regarding observation of National Youth Day   10/01/2024
331 Notice regarding Kanyashree (K2) scholarship   10/01/2024
332 College holiday notice   09/01/2024
333 Notice regarding charge handover   08/01/2024
334 Notice to all PG Sem-I students to collect application form & anti-ragging form   06/01/2024
335 Notice regarding suspension of scholarship work   05/01/2024
336 Regarding not allowed student list of Sem-V for final exam form fillup   03/01/2024
337 Notice for result distribution SEM III 2022   03/01/2024
338 Sem-III Form Fillup Notice 2023   03/01/2024
339 Sem-V Form Fillup Notice 2023   03/01/2024
340 Regarding submission of project report of sem-I 2023 students   02/01/2024
341 Notice regarding career counselling   02/01/2024
342 Notice regarding Sem-III internal assessment   27/12/2023
343 Notice to collect income tax deduction (statement) pro-forma   27/12/2023
344 Notice regarding students data for Banglar Ucchosikkha Portal   23/12/2023
345 College Holiday Notice   23/12/2023
346 Notice regarding NCC day celebration   21/12/2023
347 Notice to Sem-VI general students for marksheet collection   21/12/2023
348 Notice to all Sem-I students regarding discussion on "Student Credit Card Scheme"   20/12/2023
349 Notice to all students reagrding "Duare Sarkar" Camp   20/12/2023
350 Notice regarding college annual sports & games 2024   20/12/2023
351 Notice regarding parents teachers meeting   20/12/2023
352 Notice regarding students' seminar on "Dalit Lives Matter"   16/12/2023
353 Notice Regarding Awareness Camp on Student Credit Card Scheme   16/12/2023
354 Regarding review of P.G 4th sem examination 2023   14/12/2023
355 Notice Regarding Parents Teachers Meeting   14/12/2023
356 Regarding 1st semester admission fees return   14/12/2023
357 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan for 25th SET Exam   14/12/2023
358 Duty Allotment WB 25th Set Examination   13/12/2023
359 Notice for review Sem VI 2023 General   12/12/2023
360 Notice for SEM-V Subject Choose   11/12/2023
361 Admission notice for sem 3 & 5   11/12/2023
362 Notice to all staff to attend NAAC workshop   06/12/2023
363 Class suspension notice on 07/12/2023   06/12/2023
364 Notice regarding Sem-V Arts (General) internal assessment 2023 question paper submission   06/12/2023
365 Notice for all Sem-I 2023 PG students (3rd phase) regarding collection of Application Form & Anti-Ragging Form   05/12/2023
366 Notice Regarding PG Sem-III Admission 2023   04/12/2023
367 Notice Regarding Anti-Ragging Affidavit Registration   02/12/2023
368 Notice Regardng West Bengal State Eligibility Test Examination   02/12/2023
369 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   01/12/2023
370 Notice Regarding Internal Assessment Sem-V   01/12/2023
371 Notice Regarding Observation of "International day of Persons with Disabilities"   30/11/2023
372 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   29/11/2023
373 Notice Regarding Obsevation of World Aids Day   29/11/2023
374 Notice Regarding Cultural Competetion   28/11/2023
375 Notice Regarding Annual College Fest - "JAGRITI 2023"   28/11/2023
376 Regarding Meeting of the Internal Exam Committee   23/11/2023
377 Notice for Sem-III subject choose   23/11/2023
378 College Holiday Notice   23/11/2023
379 Notice for reopen of portal for sem VI 2023   22/11/2023
380 Suspension of Scholarship Related Works due to 3rd SEM Admission   22/11/2023
381 Notice Regarding College Holiday   09/11/2023
382 Notice Regarding Library Card Distribution   08/11/2023
383 Regarding Meeting of Medicinal Plant & Gardening Committee   08/11/2023
384 Notice Regarding Meeting on Annual College Fest   08/11/2023
385 Notice Regarding IDC Subject   06/11/2023
386 Regarding Sem-III Admission 2023   06/11/2023
387 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   04/11/2023
388 Regarding Semester V 2023 subject choose   02/11/2023
389 Notice to all 5th Sem students regarding library card renew   02/11/2023
390 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   01/11/2023
391 Notice Regarding Meeting of Medicinal Plants & Gardening Committee   31/10/2023
392 Notice Regarding Seminar on "Little Magazine"   31/10/2023
393 Regarding Scholarship Work   31/10/2023
394 Notice Regarding Sem-V Students Admission   17/10/2023
395 Notice to all Sem-I 2023 PG students (2nd phase)   17/10/2023
396 College Holiday Notice for "Durga Puja"   17/10/2023
397 Notice Regarding Sem-III Class Commencement   13/10/2023
398 College Holiday Notice on 14/10/2023   11/10/2023
399 Notice to Sem-V Students Regarding 70% Attendance   11/10/2023
400 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 12/10/2023   11/10/2023
401 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 11/10/2023   10/10/2023
402 Notice Regarding Kanyashree   09/10/2023
403 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 10/10/2023   09/10/2023
404 Regarding Review of PG Sem-I Exam 2022   07/10/2023
405 Regarding Sem-V Hons Review/Scrutiny   06/10/2023
406 Regarding Sem-VI Hons Review/Scrutiny   06/10/2023
407 Notice for Sem-V & Sem-VI Students Regarding Marksheet & Provisional Certificate   06/10/2023
408 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 09/10/2023   06/10/2023
409 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 07/10/2023   06/10/2023
410 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   04/10/2023
411 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2023 on 05/10/23 & 06/10/23   04/10/2023
412 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-II Exam 2023   03/10/2023
413 Summary - Sem-II 2023 L2-1   03/10/2023
414 Notice regarding "Continuous Outreach Programme"   30/09/2023
415 Notice regarding kanyashree scholarship   30/09/2023
416 Notice regarding Sem-II form fillup   29/09/2023
417 Notice for all PG Sem-I students   29/09/2023
418 Commencement of class for PG Sem-I & Sem-III   29/09/2023
419 Notice regarding collection of cycle stand token   27/09/2023
420 College Holiday Notice   27/09/2023
421 Notice to UG Sem-I students regarding minor subject change   26/09/2023
422 Commencement of class for Sem-V students   23/09/2023
423 Notice to celebrate birthday of "Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar"   23/09/2023
424 Notice Regarding charge Handover   23/09/2023
425 Regarding Bank Account Application for Sem-I Students   22/09/2023
426 College Holiday Notice   22/09/2023
427 Notice Regarding Teacher Profile Update for Website   21/09/2023
428 Notice Regarding NSS Activities   20/09/2023
429 3rd Phase Sem-1 Admission and Documents Verification 2023   20/09/2023
430 Notice Regarding Meeting of PF Committee   20/09/2023
431 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-II Hons Practical Exam 2023 in Microbiology   19/09/2023
434 Hostel Counselling and Admission 2nd Phase Notice 2023   15/09/2023
436 Reschedule Programme for UG Sem-IV Exam-2023   13/09/2023
437 Notice Regarding Refund of Half Fee & Full Fee   13/09/2023
438 3rd Phase Online Admission Sem-I Notification for AY-2023-24   12/09/2023
440 Notice for Sem-III & Sem-V Residential Students   12/09/2023
441 College Holiday Notice   12/09/2023
443 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Sec-2 Exam 2023   09/09/2023
444 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2023   09/09/2023
445 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   09/09/2023
446 Notice Regarding Meeting of Research & Publications Committee   07/09/2023
447 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan PG Sem-II Exam 2023   05/09/2023
448 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-IV Exam 2023   05/09/2023
449 College Holiday Notice   04/09/2023
450 Notice for Reopen Portal Sem-IV   01/09/2023
451 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   01/09/2023
452 Notice Regarding Library Orientation Programme   29/08/2023
454 College Holiday Notice on 30/08/2023   28/08/2023
455 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   26/08/2023
456 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   26/08/2023
457 Notice for Sem-II students regarding ABC ID   25/08/2023
458 Notice for review   25/08/2023
459 List of selected students for the workshop on IAS & allied Exams   24/08/2023
460 Notice for Semester V Result Distribution   24/08/2023
461 Emergency Meeting Regarding Smooth Maintenance of College Hostel & Disciplinary Issue   23/08/2023
462 Notice SEM-II FORM FILLUP 2023   23/08/2023
463 Notice B.Sc Sem-IV General Practical Exam 2023 in Botany   23/08/2023
464 Notice Regarding Scholarship   22/08/2023
465 Notice for workshop regarding IAS exam issues   19/08/2023
466 Notice Regarding Hostel Issue   18/08/2023
467 Notice Regarding Kanyashree Scholarship   17/08/2023
468 Notice Regarding Scholarship Application and Renewal   17/08/2023
469 Notice for Sem-II Students Regarding Supplementary Internal Exam   16/08/2023
470 Notice for all Sem-II students regarding registration card distribution   14/08/2023
471 Hostel Counselling and Admission Notice 2023   12/08/2023
472 Notice Regarding Flag Hoisting Ceremony   12/08/2023
473 Notice to Celebrate 76th Years of Independence Day   12/08/2023
474 Notice for Registration Card   12/08/2023
475 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-IV Hons. Practical Exam 2023 in Microbiology   11/08/2023
476 2nd Phase Admission and Documents Verification Notice   11/08/2023
477 Upgradation of Admission Notice & Form   10/08/2023
478 Notice Regarding Meeting of Teachers' Council   10/08/2023
479 Notice Regarding Independence Day Rally   10/08/2023
480 Notice for Sem-II Students Regarding ABC ID Creation   08/08/2023
481 Notice (Blood Group Database)   07/08/2023
482 Notice for All Students Regarding ABC ID Creation   07/08/2023
483 Notice Regarding P.G Sem-II Form Fill Up 2023   05/08/2023
485 Room Allotment Duty List-Sem-1 BA Day & Morning & BSc General Verification 2023   04/08/2023
486 Notice for All Students Regarding ABC ID   04/08/2023
487 Revised Programme Schedule for Internal Assessment of B.A/B.Sc Sem-II 2023   03/08/2023
488 Notice Regarding Sem-II 2023 Internal Schedule   02/08/2023
489 Regarding MSME Month Observation Relating WBSCC Scheme   02/08/2023
490 Notice Regarding Sem-IV Form Fill Up   02/08/2023
491 SUMMSRY SEMESTER VI 03.08.2023   02/08/2023
492 2nd Cycle of Online Admission Notice   01/08/2023
493 Regarding Internal Assessment of B.A/B.Sc Sem-II (Hons & Gen)   01/08/2023
494 Regarding Workshop on "Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programme"   01/08/2023
495 Regarding Seat Plan Summary Sem-VI Exam 2023 Bengali & Botany   31/07/2023
496 Regarding Seat Plan Summary Sem-VI Exam 2023 Ph. Education & Economics   31/07/2023
497 College Holiday Notice   27/07/2023
498 Regarding Celebration of College Foundation Day   26/07/2023
499 SEAT PLAN SUMMSRY SEMESTER VI 27.07.2023   26/07/2023
500 Regarding Election Result of Teacher Representative   26/07/2023
501 SEAT PLAN SUMMSRY SEMESTER VI 26.07.2023 MORNING   25/07/2023
504 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan PG Sem-IV Exam 2023   22/07/2023
505 Notice Regarding Internal Assessment of B.A/B.Sc Sem-II Hons & Gen   21/07/2023
506 Notice Regarding Webinar for Students of B.Sc Computer Science (Hons)   21/07/2023
507 Notice for reopen portal sem VI   20/07/2023
508 Notice Regarding M.A Sem-IV Exam Venue   20/07/2023
509 Notice Regarding ANM & GNM Exam 2023   20/07/2023
510 Regarding the Post of IQAC Coordinator   19/07/2023
511 Regarding Selection of GB Memeber   19/07/2023
512 Notice for PG (English) Sem-IV Students Regarding Submission of Term Paper & Social Outreach Project   19/07/2023
513 Notice for PG (English) Sem-II Students Regarding Internal Assessment Exam 2023   19/07/2023
514 Notice Regarding Lecture on NIFT   18/07/2023
515 Centre List for UG Semester-VI (Hons & Gen) Exam-2023   17/07/2023
516 Revised Programme for UG Sem-VI (Hons and Gen) Exam-2023   15/07/2023
517 Notice Regarding Sem-I Admission Schedule   15/07/2023
518 Notice Regarding an Urgent Meeting of Teachers' Council   15/07/2023
519 Notice for Sem-VI Students Refarding Admit Card   15/07/2023
520 Notice Regarding Election Result   15/07/2023
521 Notice for Sem-VI Residential Students Regarding July, 2023 Seat Rent   15/07/2023
522 College Holiday Notice   13/07/2023
523 Notice to UG Sem-IV Students Supplementary Internal Exam   13/07/2023
524 Notice Regarding AGM of Chirayata, Alumni Association of MUCWC   12/07/2023
525 Notice Regarding Re-Union 2023   12/07/2023
527 Regarding Remuneration Bill of Examiners   11/07/2023
528 Notice Regarding Joint Entrance Examination   10/07/2023
529 Regarding Nomination of Teachers' Representatives   08/07/2023
530 Regarding Nomonation of Secretary of the Teachers' Council   08/07/2023
531 Notice to all Sem-VI Students Regarding Sem-V 2022 Final Result   06/07/2023
532 Notice to Celebrate "Aranya Saptaha" by NSS unit 1 & 2   05/07/2023
533 Notice for all Sem-IV Students who opted Hindi as their L2-2   05/07/2023
534 Regarding PG Sem-IV Exam 2023 for Back Candidates   04/07/2023
535 Notice for all Teaching & Non-Teaching Staffs Regarding HRA Submission   04/07/2023
536 Regarding Farewell of Kailash Tripathy   04/07/2023
537 Notice for Sem-6 Students who have problems in Sem-5 University Result    03/07/2023
538 Notice Regarding Meeting of the Building Committee   01/07/2023
539 Notice Regarding P.G (English) Sem-IV Internal Assessment Exam 2023   01/07/2023
540 Programme Schedule & Room Allotment for Internal Assessment of B.A Hons. & Gen Sem-IV   01/07/2023
541 Notice for Sem-II Subject Choice   01/07/2023
542 Notice Regarding Online Admission for the Academic Session 2023-24   28/06/2023
543 College Holiday Notice   28/06/2023
544 Notice to Sem-VI Students for Supplementary Internal Examination   23/06/2023
545 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   22/06/2023
546 Regarding Routine for U.G Sem-II & IV Session 2023-24   22/06/2023
547 Notice PG semester IV form fill up   22/06/2023
548 Notice Regarding Verification of Concession Application   19/06/2023
549 Notice Regarding Meeting of the College Admission Committee   19/06/2023
550 Notice Regarding Sem-IV Internal Assessment   19/06/2023
551 Notice to Celebrate International Yoga Day   19/06/2023
552 College Holiday Notice on 20/06/2023   19/06/2023
553 CCFUP Modified Structure under NEP, 2020 for Colleges after meeting on 16.06.23   16/06/2023
554 NOTICE PG 4TH SEM ADMISSION   13/06/2023
555 NOTICE PG SEM IV FORM FILL UP 2023   13/06/2023
556 Notice Sem-II Admission 2023   13/06/2023
557 NOTICE 6TH SEMESTER FORM FILLUP 2023   13/06/2023
558 Notice to observe World Bicycle Day & World Environment Day   01/06/2023
559 Regarding Submission of Summary of Results   31/05/2023
560 Notice to Celebrate MISSION LIFE (LIFE FOR ENVIRONMENT)   24/05/2023
561 Urgent Notice to all students, teaching & non-teaching staffs to follow university order   21/05/2023
562 Notice Regarding B.A/B.Sc Sem-VI Internal Assessment   20/05/2023
563 Notice to all students, teaching & non-teaching staffs to follow university order   20/05/2023
564 Regarding Meeting of the University Examination Committee & Result Committee   19/05/2023
565 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   18/05/2023
566 Regarding Room Allotment for UG Sem-VI Internal Exam 2023   17/05/2023
567 Notice Regarding Add-on Course on Research Methodology   17/05/2023
568 Notice Regarding Add-on Course on Bioinformatics    17/05/2023
569 Notice Regarding PF Committee Meeting   17/05/2023
570 Class Suspension Notice on Account of Sem-VI Internal Assessment Exam 2023   15/05/2023
571 Notice Regarding Sem-II Admission   15/05/2023
572 Notice Regarding Charity to "Sabar Families"   13/05/2023
573 Notice Regarding Seminar on "Acena Rabindranath"   13/05/2023
574 Regarding Internal Assessment B.A/B.Sc Sem-VI   13/05/2023
575 Programme Schedule for Internal Assessment of B.A/B.Sc Sem-VI 2023   13/05/2023
577 Notice Regarding Commencement of 2nd Sem Classes   11/05/2023
578 Notice IQAC Meeting Regarding CAS Promotion   11/05/2023
579 Notice Regarding an Urgent Meeting of IQAC   11/05/2023
581 Seat Plan Summary Sem-I Gen Exam 2022 2nd Half   08/05/2023
582 Seat Plan Summary Sem-I Gen Exam 2022 1st Half   08/05/2023
583 Regarding Debate & Extempore Judgement Panel   08/05/2023
584 Notice Regarding Debate & Extempore Competition   08/05/2023
585 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-I Exam 2022   06/05/2023
586 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   04/05/2023
587 Summary of Seat Plan for Sem-I Exam 2022   04/05/2023
588 Notice Regarding Meeting of the Building Committee   04/05/2023
589 Notice Regarding Classes of PG Sem-II   04/05/2023
590 Notice to Celebrate Birthday of Rabindranath Tagore   04/05/2023
591 Summary of Seat Plan PG Sem-I Exam 2022   03/05/2023
592 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-I Gen Exam 2022 1st Half   03/05/2023
593 SUMMSRY SEMESTER I 08.05.23 - SNSG, HING, CEMG, MNTG   02/05/2023
594 SUMMSRY SEMESTER I 03.05.23 - PHIG   02/05/2023
595 College Holiday Notice   02/05/2023
596 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-I Gen Exam 2022 2nd Half   29/04/2023
597 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-I Gen 2nd Half   28/04/2023
598 College Holiday Notice on account of May day   28/04/2023
599 Notice Regarding Departmental Meeting   28/04/2023
600 SUMMARY OF SEAT PLANE ON 28/04/2023 MORNING   27/04/2023
601 Regarding Postponment of Hostel Visit   27/04/2023
602 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-1 Gen Exam 2022   27/04/2023
603 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   26/04/2023
604 Notice regarding hostel visit   26/04/2023
605 Notice for all residential students regarding payment of seat rent   26/04/2023
606 Notice for all students appearing university exam   26/04/2023
607 Revised Seat Plan Summary for HINH & PHIH   25/04/2023
608 Notice Regarding a Seminar on "Poet Madhusudan Dutta"   25/04/2023
609 Notice Regarding an Emergency Meeting of IQAC   25/04/2023
610 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-1 Hons Exam 2022 2nd Half   25/04/2023
611 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-1 Hons Exam 2022   25/04/2023
612 Regarding Seat Plan Summary sem-I Exam 2022 25.04 & 27.04   24/04/2023
613 Regarding Seat Plan Summary sem-I Exam 2022 ENVS & Arts Hons   24/04/2023
614 Regarding Seat Plan Summary sem-I Exam 2022   24/04/2023
615 Admission Notice for All 4th Sem Students   24/04/2023
616 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   22/04/2023
617 Notice for all students, teaching and non-teaching staffs   22/04/2023
618 Notice to all teaching members ragarding Sem-I 2022 examination   20/04/2023
619 Notice for all Sem-I 2022 Students Regarding Examination Centre   20/04/2023
620 Notice to all Heads/In-Charges of the Hons Teaching Dept. to submit the distribution of Hons Syllabus   20/04/2023
621 Notice Regarding Celebration of World Earth Day   19/04/2023
622 Regarding 2 year Full Time MBA at NIT Durgapur   17/04/2023
623 Urgent Notice on the matter of Heat Wave   16/04/2023
624 Notice for submission of reports for all committees/sub-committees   13/04/2023
625 Notice to submit CAS promotion files   13/04/2023
626 Regarding Student list for Karate Course   12/04/2023
627 Notice Regarding student seminar on "Caste in contemporary India"   12/04/2023
628 College Holiday Notice   12/04/2023
629 Notice Regarding a Lecture on Research Orientation   12/04/2023
630 Notice Regarding Debate & Extempore Competition   12/04/2023
631 Notice Regarding Observation of "National River Day"   12/04/2023
632 Notice Regarding Meeting of Admission Committee   11/04/2023
633 Notice Regarding Inauguration of Martial Art/Karate Training Course   08/04/2023
634 Notice Regarding Submission of Examination form and Fees for PG Sem-I   08/04/2023
635 Notice Regarding Public Awareness Rally on World Health Day   05/04/2023
636 College Holiday Notice on account of Good Friday   04/04/2023
637 Notice Regarding DUARE SARKAR campaign   04/04/2023
638 Notice Regarding Judges for Poster/Essay Competition   31/03/2023
639 College Holiday Notice on 3rd April   30/03/2023
640 Notice to all committees to submit the feedbacks and reports   30/03/2023
641 Notice Regarding MOCK Test for NAAC   30/03/2023
642 Notice Regarding Purchase of Articles for the Hostel   30/03/2023
643 Notice Regarding IQAC Meeting   30/03/2023
644 Notice Regarding Rokeya Hostel Visit   30/03/2023
645 Notice Regarding Commencement of P.G Sem-IV Classes   29/03/2023
646 Notice Regarding an Awareness Programme on "Body Shaming and Self Acceptance"   28/03/2023
647 Notice Regarding Meeting of the IQAC   28/03/2023
648 Notice for Students to Submit their Environmental Studies Project   27/03/2023
649 Notice Regarding Blood Donation Camp   27/03/2023
650 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   25/03/2023
651 List of selected candidates for dye course   25/03/2023
652 List of selected candidates for cooking/baking course   25/03/2023
653 Notice to Update Departmental Stock Books   25/03/2023
654 Notice Regarding Sem-IV Admission   22/03/2023
655 Sem-VI Admission Notice   22/03/2023
656 Notice for all students regarding IBS Kolkata Quiz   21/03/2023
657 Notice Regarding Self-Defense Course on Karate   21/03/2023
658 Notice for Semester 1 2023 identity card   20/03/2023
659 Notice Regarding Seminar on Anemia Mukta Bharat   20/03/2023
660 Arrangement of Seats for M.A English Sem-III Exam 2022   18/03/2023
661 Notice Regarding Seven Days Special Camp by NSS Unit   17/03/2023
662 Notice Regarding Do It Yourself Certificate Course   17/03/2023
663 Notice Regarding State Level Seminar   17/03/2023
664 Notice Regarding Meeting of Advisory Committee of NSS   15/03/2023
665 Notice for All Students Regarding Poster Competetion   15/03/2023
666 Notice for All Students Regarding Essay Competetion   15/03/2023
667 Notice Regarding CAS Promotion   15/03/2023
668 Notice Regarding Sem-VI Admission   14/03/2023
670 Notice Regarding Meeting of the Building Committee   11/03/2023
671 Retendering Notice for Desktop Computers   10/03/2023
672 Re-tender Notice   10/03/2023
673 Notice for all students regarding debate competition   10/03/2023
674 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-I Hons Practical Exam 2022 in Microbiology   10/03/2023
675 Notice Regarding attendance on 10th March, 2023   09/03/2023
676 Notice for all students regarding State Level Marketing & PMEGP Exhibition   09/03/2023
677 Notice regarding UG Sem-IV class starting date   06/03/2023
678 College Holiday Notice   06/03/2023
679 Notice for all hostel students regarding seat rent   04/03/2023
680 PG 3RD SEMESTER SUMMARY OF SEAT PLAN 2022   02/03/2023
681 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022 on 03.03.2023   02/03/2023
682 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022 on 02.03.2023   01/03/2023
683 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022 on 01.03.2023   28/02/2023
684 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   27/02/2023
685 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-I General Practical Exam 2022 in Botany   27/02/2023
686 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022 on 28.02.2023   27/02/2023
687 Retender Notice for Various Items   25/02/2023
688 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 25.02.2023   24/02/2023
689 Tender Notice   23/02/2023
690 Notice Regarding Observation of Science Day   23/02/2023
691 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022 1st Half on 23.02.2023   22/02/2023
692 Tender Notice for Desktop Computers   22/02/2023
693 Notice Regarding Teacher-In-Charge and Centre-In-Charge   22/02/2023
694 Notice for all Heads/In-Charges of concerned departments   22/02/2023
695 Notice Regarding Urgent Meeting on 23.02.2023   22/02/2023
696 Regarding Cancellation of meeting organised by Cell for Women Empowerment   22/02/2023
697 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   22/02/2023
698 Notice Regarding PG SEM-I 2022 Form Fillup   22/02/2023
699 Regarding an urgent meeting of Building Committee   21/02/2023
700 Notice Regarding Reopening of Web Portal for Fees & Form Submission of Sem-I Exam 2022   21/02/2023
701 Seat Plan Sumary Sem-III Exam 2022 2nd Half on 22.02.2023   21/02/2023
702 Notice Regarding Reopening of UG Registration Sem-I   20/02/2023
703 Regarding Seat Plan Summary Sem-III Exam on 21/02/2023   20/02/2023
704 West Bangal Government Order   19/02/2023
705 Notice Regarding New Website of College   17/02/2023
706 Notice Regarding Zoology Sem-I Practical Exam 2022   17/02/2023
707 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2nd Half   17/02/2023
708 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 1st Half   17/02/2023
709 Notice Regarding Seminar on the occasion of International Mother Language Day   17/02/2023
710 College Holiday Notice   16/02/2023
711 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022   16/02/2023
712 Duty Roster for PG Sem-I Internal Examination 2022   15/02/2023
713 Notice Regarding Meeting Organised by Cell for Women Empowerment   15/02/2023
714 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022 2nd Half   11/02/2023
715 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-III Exam 2022 1st Half   11/02/2023
716 College Holiday Notice   11/02/2023
717 Notice Regarding IQAC Meeting   10/02/2023
718 Notice Regarding Meeting Organised by Cell for Women Empowerment   08/02/2023
719 Notice Regarding Guardian Call of PG Sem-I English Department Students   08/02/2023
720 Notice Regarding Reopening of Sem-I Registration cum Enrolment portal   07/02/2023
721 Notice Regarding 100 Meter, 200 Meter Race and Shot put hits   07/02/2023
722 Notice Regarding Reopening of Sem-III Exam fees & form fillup web portal   07/02/2023
723 Notice Regarding Sem-I exam form fillup   07/02/2023
724 Notice for all Teaching & Non-Teaching Staffs   06/02/2023
725 Notice for all interested students to participate in Kho-Kho & Kabadi   04/02/2023
726 Notice Regarding PG English Sem-III Supplementary Internal Exam 2022   04/02/2023
727 Notice Regarding Annual College Sports 2023   03/02/2023
728 Notice Regarding PG Sem-I English Internal Assessment Exam 2022   02/02/2023
729 Reschedule Notice for Sem-III General Practical Exam   02/02/2023
730 Tender Notice   01/02/2023
731 Tender Notice for various instruments Physics Department   01/02/2023
732 Tender Notice for various instruments Microbiology Department   01/02/2023
733 Tender Notice for various instruments Botany Department   01/02/2023
734 Tender Notice for various instruments Nutrition Department   01/02/2023
735 Notice Regarding Not Allowed Students List of PG Sem-III English for Internal Exam   01/02/2023
736 Notice for all Sem-V students to collect their Identity Cards   31/01/2023
737 Notice Regarding Cancellation of PG Sem-III English paper 305 Internal Assessment   31/01/2023
738 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   30/01/2023
739 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-III COSH Practical Exam 2022   30/01/2023
740 Notice Regarding Commencemnet of Classes of UG Sem-VI   30/01/2023
741 Notice for Students to Collect Participation Certificate of Cultural Programme on "History Makers"   30/01/2023
742 Notice for Students to Collect Participation Certificate of Cultural Programme   30/01/2023
743 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-III Practical Exam 2022 in Microbiology   28/01/2023
744 Notice Regarding Sem-III Practical Exam 2022 in Zoology   24/01/2023
745 College Holiday Notice   24/01/2023
746 Notice Regarding Sem-V Geography Practical Exam 2022   24/01/2023
747 Notice Regarding Sem-V Comp. Science Practical Exam 2022 Postponement   21/01/2023
748 Notice Regarding Geography Sem-V Practical Exam 2022   21/01/2023
749 Notice Regarding College Annual Games & Sports 2023   21/01/2023
750 Notice Regarding PG Sem-III English Internal Assessment Exam 2022   21/01/2023
751 Notice Regarding Observation of Netaji's Birth Anniversary & Republic Day   20/01/2023
752 Programme Schedule of the Practical Exam of Sem-V Chemistry   19/01/2023
753 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-V Exam 2022   19/01/2023
754 Notice Regarding Submission of Fees & Forms of Sem-III Exam 2022   19/01/2023
755 Notice Regarding Sem-V Computer Science Practical Exam 2022   18/01/2023
756 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-V Exam 2022   18/01/2023
757 Notice Regarding Practical Exam Sem-V Nutrition Hons   18/01/2023
758 Notice Regarding Sem-V Botany Practical Exam 2022   18/01/2023
759 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-V (Physics Hons.) Practical Exam, 2022   18/01/2023
760 Regarding UG & PG English Class Rearrangement   18/01/2023
761 Notice Regarding PG Sem III from fillup 2022   17/01/2023
762 Regarding Summary of Seat Plan Sem-V Exam 2022   17/01/2023
763 Detailed Programme of Sem-V Practical Exam 2022 in Zoology   17/01/2023
764 Notice Regarding Meeting on Saraswati Puja   17/01/2023
765 Notice Regarding Opening of Submitted Quotation   17/01/2023
766 Notice Regarding Summary of Seat Plan for Sem-V Exam   16/01/2023
767 Regarding List of Sem-I Honours Students who will not be allowed to fillup final exam form   14/01/2023
768 Regarding List of Sem-I General Students who will not be allowed to fillup final exam form   14/01/2023
769 Notice Regarding Teachers CAS Promotion Related Scrutiny/Screening/Interview   14/01/2023
770 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-V Hons Practical Exam 2022 in Microbiology   13/01/2023
771 Notice Regarding College Annual Sports and Games   13/01/2023
772 Tender Notice   13/01/2023
773 Tender Notice   13/01/2023
774 Summary of Seat Plan Sem-V Examination   11/01/2023
775 College Holday Notice   10/01/2023
776 Notice Regarding Summery of Seat Plan Sem-V Exam   09/01/2023
777 Notice Regarding Guardian Call of PG Sem-III English Department Students   09/01/2023
778 Notice Regarding Quiz Programme as part of the Students' Week Observation   05/01/2023
779 Urgent Notice for all College Satffs Regarding Students' Week   05/01/2023
780 Notice Regarding Diagonistic Test for PG Sem-I Department of English   05/01/2023
781 Notice Regarding Observation of Students' Week   05/01/2023
782 Notice Regarding Submission of Fees and Forms for UG Sem-V Exam 2022   02/01/2023
783 Regarding Programme Schedule for Submission of Project Report of AECC   29/12/2022
784 Notice Regarding College Holiday   29/12/2022
785 Review notice of M.A. semester II 2022   28/12/2022
786 Regarding Student Satisfaction Survey   27/12/2022
787 College Holiday Notice   24/12/2022
788 Notice Regarding visit to the street children by NSS unit   24/12/2022
789 Notice Regarding Fund for Purchase of Chemicals and Instruments   24/12/2022
790 Notice for all students of PG in English Sem-I Regarding Registration   23/12/2022
791 Notice Regarding Meeting of Building Committee   23/12/2022
792 Notice Regarding an International Seminar on "Indian Philosophy Culture and Values"   23/12/2022
793 Notice Regarding IQAC Meeting   23/12/2022
794 Regarding New Teachers' Council Secretary & Assistant Secretary   23/12/2022
795 Notice Regarding 1st Sem Admission Fees Refund   23/12/2022
796 Regarding Important Days in January and February 2023   21/12/2022
797 Notice Regarding College Social   21/12/2022
798 Notice Regarding UGC-accredited West Bengal State Eligibility Test 2023   20/12/2022
799 Notice for all college staff regarding eco-campus   19/12/2022
800 Notice to submit CAS promotions along with CAS files   19/12/2022
801 Notice Regarding Income Tax Calculation   17/12/2022
802 Notice Regarding Charge Hand Over   15/12/2022
803 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   13/12/2022
804 List of 3rd Sem General Students not allowed to fill up Final Exam Form   12/12/2022
805 List of 3rd Sem Students not allowed to fill up Final Exam Form   12/12/2022
806 Room Allotment for Sem-I Internal Assessment-2022   12/12/2022
807 Notice for All 3rd Sem Students Regarding Semester Exam Form Fillup   10/12/2022
808 Regarding TET-2022 Seat Summary   10/12/2022
809 Notice Regarding Reopening of the Registration cum Enrolment Portal   08/12/2022
810 Notice Regarding Sem-I Internal Assessment Programme Schedule   07/12/2022
811 Notice for a commemorative seminar on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar   05/12/2022
812 Notice Regarding Internal Assessment of Sem-I   03/12/2022
813 World AIDS Day Programme Schedule   30/11/2022
814 Notice Regarding Re-opening of 1st Sem Registration cum Enrolment Portal   29/11/2022
815 Notice Regarding Meeting of Building Committee   29/11/2022
816 Notice to celebrate "Bharat Ek Khoj: Hindi, Urdu"   28/11/2022
817 Notice Regarding Observation of "World AIDS Day"   28/11/2022
818 Notice Regarding Meeting of the Lab Committee   28/11/2022
819 Notice Regarding Observation of "LAW DAY"   26/11/2022
820 Notice for all Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff regarding Teacher Eligibility Test-2022   26/11/2022
821 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   24/11/2022
822 Notice to Convenors of CAS Promotions    24/11/2022
823 Notice Regarding Career Counseling Session   22/11/2022
824 Notice Regarding Self Employment Course Class   17/11/2022
825 Room Allotment for Non-Teaching Staff - III Internal Assessment   16/11/2022
826 Notice Regarding Sem-II Marksheet Distribution   16/11/2022
827 Notice Regarding Students Registration cum Enrolment   16/11/2022
828 Notice Regarding Inter College Fest   16/11/2022
829 Notice for all Students to join DUARE SARKAR camp on 24/11/2022   16/11/2022
830 Notice Regarding Meeting of Environmental Management and Natural Resource Committee and IQAC Members   14/11/2022
831 Notice Regarding Observation of "World Philosophy Day"   14/11/2022
832 Notice to Participate in a lecture on "Nutritional Care during infancy"   14/11/2022
833 College Holiday Notice on 15/11/2022   12/11/2022
834 Notice Regarding Library Orientation Programme   12/11/2022
835 Notice Regarding AQAR Meeting   12/11/2022
836 Notice Regarding 3rd Sem PG Admission   12/11/2022
837 Notice for Sem-V students who have not appeared in the Internal Assessment   11/11/2022
838 All Teachers are requested to submit required number of question papers   11/11/2022
839 College Holiday Notice on 15.11.2022   11/11/2022
840 Mandatory Submission of data for students profile in Banglar Uccchosikkha Portal   11/11/2022
841 Notice to all students for an inaugural programme on 14.11.2022   09/11/2022
842 Notice to attend Janjatiya Gaurav Divas on 17.11.2022   09/11/2022
843 Notice Regarding Metting of Research and Publication Committee   09/11/2022
844 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   09/11/2022
845 Notice for all students to join Duare Sarkar Camp   07/11/2022
846 Programme Schedule for Internal Assessment of Sem-III (CBCS), 2022   07/11/2022
847 College Holiday Notice on 08/11/2022   07/11/2022
848 Notice Regarding RICE Talent Scholarship Test   04/11/2022
849 Notice Regarding Celebration of Janjatiya Gaurav Divas as part of its IQAC Initiatives   04/11/2022
850 Notice for all Students of Sem-V and PG Sem-I & Sem-III   04/11/2022
851 Notice Regarding Urgent Meeting of the IT Committee   03/11/2022
852 Notice for all Hons Departments to make a Diagonistic Test for Sem-I Students   02/11/2022
853 Mandatory Submission of Data for Student Profile in Banglar Ucchosiksha Portal   01/11/2022
854 Notice Regarding Meeting of Admission Committee   01/11/2022
855 Notice Regarding Departmental Meeting PG Section   01/11/2022
856 Notice Regarding Submission of AQAR data 2021-22   01/11/2022
857 Notice Regarding Collection of Identity Cards for Sem-III Students   01/11/2022
858 Semester I Registration cum Enrollment   28/10/2022
859 Notice Regarding Commencement of PG SEM-I Classes   22/10/2022
860 Notice Regarding Deepavali Celebration at College   20/10/2022
861 College Holiday Notice   20/10/2022
862 Notice Regarding Students Upgradation Merit List   18/10/2022
863 Notice Regarding Enrolment of already registered students taking fresh admission in Sem-I   18/10/2022
864 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   17/10/2022
865 Tender Notice for Various Items   17/10/2022
866 Post poned Registration cum Enrollment 2022-2023   17/10/2022
867 Notice Regarding Awareness Camp on Student Credit Card Scheme   15/10/2022
868 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   15/10/2022
869 Registration cum Enrolment of newly admitted students in the academic session 2022-23   14/10/2022
870 Notice Regarding Shifting from Hons to Hons for the Students of UG Sem-I   13/10/2022
871 Notice Regarding Fresh Admission Sem-I in the Academic Session 2022-23   13/10/2022
872 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   12/10/2022
873 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   12/10/2022
874 Notice Regarding Health Checkup Camp   12/10/2022
875 Notice Regarding Various Committees of the College   29/09/2022
876 Notice Regarding Counselling & Admission for Hostel Accomodation 2nd Phase   27/09/2022
877 Notice for students of Semester III 2022   27/09/2022
878 Notice Regarding Community Outreach Programme   27/09/2022
879 Notice Regarding Upgradation of Admission Form for Sem-I   24/09/2022
880 Notice Regarding 2nd Phase Verification   24/09/2022
881 SEM-1_B.Sc Routine   23/09/2022
883 SEM-1_B.A. DAY HONS & GENERAL ROUTINE   23/09/2022
884 Notice to Celebrate NSS Day   22/09/2022
885 Notice Regarding Scholarship   22/09/2022
886 Notice Regarding Meeting of Building Committee    22/09/2022
887 Notice to Collect Cycle Stand Token   22/09/2022
888 Notice Regarding Commencement of PG Sem-III Classes   21/09/2022
889 Room allotment and invigilation duty list SEM - 5   21/09/2022
890 Notice for 1st Sem Students Regarding Admission Cancellation & Refund   20/09/2022
891 Notice Regarding Seminar on "Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar"   20/09/2022
892 Notice for distribution Marksheets of Semester IV 2022   19/09/2022
893 Notice Regarding IQAC Members in Hostel Visit Team   19/09/2022
894 Notice Regarding Urgent Meeting of the IQAC   19/09/2022
895 Class Suspension Notice of Sem-III & Sem-V on 19/09/2022   16/09/2022
896 Holiday Notice on account of Biswakarma Puja   15/09/2022
897 Tender Notice for Book Racks   14/09/2022
898 Tender Notice for Xerox/Multi Functional Printer   14/09/2022
900 Programme Schedule for Internal Assessment of Sem-V   12/09/2022
901 Notice Regarding M.A Sem-II Exam   12/09/2022
902 Regarding Student ID Card Proforma   12/09/2022
903 Notice Regarding Starting of Sem-I Courses & Verification   10/09/2022
904 Notice Regarding Add on Course on "Leadership & Personality Development"   10/09/2022
905 Notice Regarding Counselling & Admission for Hostel Accommodation   10/09/2022
906 Class Room Shifted Notice due to PG Sem-II Exam 2022   10/09/2022
907 Notice Regarding an Awareness Programme on "Organ donation"   10/09/2022
908 Notice Regarding a Seminar Organized by "Chirayata"   10/09/2022
909 Notice Regarding Internal Assessment of Sem-V Students   09/09/2022
910 Notice for student of Semester V   09/09/2022
911 Notice Regarding Workshop on "Photography as a career"   09/09/2022
912 Notice for All Students to Participate in the National Online Essay Writing Competition   08/09/2022
913 Notice Regarding Meeting of the College Admission Committee   08/09/2022
914 Notice for Meeting Regarding AQAR Data (2021-22)   06/09/2022
915 Notice Regarding All Residential Students of SEM-III & SEM-V   05/09/2022
916 Notice Regarding Convenors/Joint Convenors for AQAR Submission   02/09/2022
917 Notice Regarding Concession Verification   02/09/2022
918 Tender Notice   31/08/2022
919 Tender Notice   30/08/2022
920 Notice Regarding Certificate Distribution on CBEL Course   30/08/2022
921 Notice Regarding IQAC Meeting   30/08/2022
922 Notice Regardeing Extension Programme of National Sports Day   29/08/2022
923 Notice Regarding Submission of AQAR   29/08/2022
924 Notice to Submit Promotion Files to the IQAC   29/08/2022
925 Notice Regarding National Sports Day   27/08/2022
926 Notice Regarding new In Charge from 25/08/2022 onwards   22/08/2022
927 Notice Regarding new In Charge from 23/08/2022 & 24/08/2022   22/08/2022
928 Notice Regarding Marksheet distribution of Semester I & III   20/08/2022
929 Regarding Newly Formed IQAC Committee   17/08/2022
930 Notice for students of Semester V   17/08/2022
931 Notice Regarding IQAC Meeting   17/08/2022
932 College Holiday Notice on 19/08/2022   17/08/2022
933 Notice Regarding Revised Date of CBEL Examination   08/08/2022
934 Notice to Celebrate Rakhi Utsav by NSS Unit   08/08/2022
935 Notice for Semester V B.A. General students   08/08/2022
936 Notice for distribution of Semester VI marksheets   08/08/2022
937 Notice for B.A/B.Sc Sem-VI & Old Part-III Students   08/08/2022
938 College Holiday Notice   08/08/2022
939 Notice Regarding Verification of Applications for Concession   06/08/2022
940 Notice Regarding Two-day Workshop on "Research Excellence in Academics across West Bengal"   06/08/2022
941 Notice Regarding Sem-III Admission 2022-23   04/08/2022
942 Notice Regarding Sem-V Admission 2022-23   04/08/2022
943 Notice Regarding Verification of Applications for Concession   04/08/2022
944 Notice for Collect Cheque Regarding Half Free & Full Free   02/08/2022
945 Notice Regarding Semester V 2021 Marksheet distribution   30/07/2022
946 Notice Regarding Commencement of Classes of U.G Sem-III   27/07/2022
947 Class Suspension Notice on 28/07/2022   27/07/2022
948 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   25/07/2022
949 Notice Regarding P.G Sem-II (English) Internal Assessment Exam 2022   23/07/2022
950 Notice for M.A Sem-IV candidates of different colleges whose Sem-IV Exam venue is MUC Women's College   21/07/2022
951 Notice for Social Outreach Programme on the Occasion of Foundation Day   21/07/2022
952 Notice to Celebtare "Banmahotsab" & "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" a Plantation Programme   21/07/2022
953 Notice to Collect Add On Course Completion Certificate   19/07/2022
954 Notice Regarding Kanyashree (K2) Scholarship   18/07/2022
955 Notice Regarding Form Fillup of P.G. Semester II 2022   18/07/2022
956 Notice Commencement of Classes UG Sem-V   16/07/2022
957 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   14/07/2022
958 Notice Regarding College Holiday on 14/07/2022   13/07/2022
959 Holiday Notice on 11/07/2022 on account of Id Uz Zoha   09/07/2022
960 Notice Regarding Willing/Unwilling to Take the Charge of College   07/07/2022
961 Notice Regardng Charge Handover   29/06/2022
962 College Holiday Notice   28/06/2022
963 Reopennig of Semester IV Examination From Fillup Portal 2022   24/06/2022
964 Notice Regarding Charge Handover   23/06/2022
965 Notice Regarding Class Suspension of Sem-IV   23/06/2022
966 Notice Regarding Distribution of Registration cards 2021-2022   22/06/2022
967 Notice for Sem-II Students who did not appear Internal Exam   21/06/2022
968 Notice Regarding 2nd Semester Form Fillup 2022   20/06/2022
969 Class Postpone Notice Due to Sem-VI Exam 2022   20/06/2022
970 Notice Regarding Library Clearance for all MA 4th Sem Students   16/06/2022
971 Notice Regarding PG 4th Sem Admission Fees   16/06/2022
972 M.A. 4th semester form fillup notice   15/06/2022
973 Notice for reopening portal of Semester VI   14/06/2022
974 Notice Regarding Charge Hand over   11/06/2022
975 Regarding Teachers Council Date Extension   11/06/2022
976 Notice Regarding SEM-IV Form Fillup 2022   03/06/2022
977 All students & teachers are intimated to follow the University Guideline regarding question pattern   03/06/2022
978 Notice to Celebrate World Bi-Cycle Day   02/06/2022
979 List of Required Books   31/05/2022
980 Tender Notice for Purchasing of Books   31/05/2022
981 Notice for All Students of Sem-II & Sem-IV who did not appear in Internal Examination   25/05/2022
982 Notice Regarding Seminar Presentation on "Industrial & Environmental Microbiology"   23/05/2022
983 Notice Regarding Classes under CBEL Add on Course   23/05/2022
984 Regarding Birthday Celebration of Raja Rammohan Roy & Kazi Nazrul Islam   23/05/2022
985 Notice Regarding Add on Course on Competence Building in English Language   21/05/2022
986 Regarding College Identity card of all Sem-II Students   20/05/2022
987 Information Regarding Students Aid Fund and Legal support   18/05/2022
988 Duty and Room allotment for Sem-II   18/05/2022
989 College Holiday Notice   14/05/2022
990 Notice Regarding SEM-VI Form Fillup   14/05/2022
991 Notice in connection with JENPAS (UG)-2022   14/05/2022
992 All Students are intimated to bring their ID Card/ Bill Book for todays programme   14/05/2022
993 Programme Schedule of Internal Assessment Sem-II   13/05/2022
994 Notice Regarding Part-III (Old) Form Fill up   12/05/2022
995 Notice Regarding Celebration of Rabindrajayanti   12/05/2022
996 Instructions to Students Regarding Railway Concession   12/05/2022
997 Notice Regarding a Promotional Event for the flim Belashuru   12/05/2022
998 Notice to submit brief report of the NAAC activities   10/05/2022
999 Notice to all hosteler for payment of Seat Rent   10/05/2022
1000 Notice for Meeting of Rabindrajayanti Celebration Committee   10/05/2022
1001 Notice to all Sem-VI, IV & II students regarding Admission   10/05/2022
1002 Notice Regarding Meeting of Building Committee   10/05/2022
1003 Notice to all Students who have applied for concession   10/05/2022
1004 Notice Regarding Offline Classes of all UG & PG Courses   07/05/2022
1005 Notice Regarding Meeting of the Academic Committee   07/05/2022
1006 Programme Schedule for Internal Assessment (OFF-Line) of B.A/B.Sc Sem-IV   07/05/2022
1007 Quotation Notice   06/05/2022
1008 Notice Regarding Preparation of Activity Report   06/05/2022
1009 Holiday Notice on Account of Rabindra Jayanti   06/05/2022
1010 Notice to attach Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff to prepare Metric Specific Data for NAAC   06/05/2022
1011 Notice Regarding Placement Drive   05/05/2022
1012 Quotation Notice   02/05/2022
1013 Regarding Internal Assessment of UG Sem-IV   30/04/2022
1014 Notice Regarding Postponment of Pogramme in Connection with Rabindra Jayanti   29/04/2022
1015 Notice for all Teachers and Students regarding Online Classes   29/04/2022
1016 Results of various cultural competetion   28/04/2022
1017 Notification Regarding Classes through Online Mode   28/04/2022
1018 Quotation for AC Servicing   26/04/2022
1019 Notice Regarding Ad-on Course on Competence Building on English Language   26/04/2022
1020 Notice Regarding Ad-on / Certificate course in poem   26/04/2022
1021 Notice to submit writings for Wall Magazine   26/04/2022
1022 Notice Regarding Various Cultural Competetion   26/04/2022
1023 Notice to all Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Regarding Id Festival   25/04/2022
1024 Notice Workshop on Competence Building in English Language   25/04/2022
1025 Class Suspension Notice Due to Joint Entrance Exam 2022   25/04/2022
1026 Regarding Room Allotment of Non-Teaching Staff   25/04/2022
1027 Result of Dance Competetion   25/04/2022
1028 Notice Regarding Dance Competetion   23/04/2022
1029 Notice Regarding Parent Teachers Meeting   22/04/2022
1031 Notice Regarding Cultural Competition   21/04/2022
1032 Notification Regarding Add on / Certificate Courses   21/04/2022
1033 Notification for all Faculty Members Regarding Add on / Certificate Courses   21/04/2022
1034 Notice Related to Joint Entrance Exam   20/04/2022
1035 Notice Regarding Internal Assessment   20/04/2022
1036 Notice Worksho on Capacity Building through English Language   19/04/2022
1037 Notice Regarding Meeting of the NAAC Committee   19/04/2022
1038 Notice PG 2nd Sem Admission   09/04/2022
1039 Notice 2nd Sem Admission   09/04/2022
1040 PG Sem-II Classes will start from 12/04/2022   06/04/2022
1041 Notice to submit quarterly report of each committee   05/04/2022
1042 Regarding Celebration of World Health Day   05/04/2022
1043 Applications are invited for purchasing various items   02/04/2022
1044 Notice Commencement of Classes for UG 2nd Sem   01/04/2022
1045 Meeting Regarding Birthday Celebration of Rabindranath Tagore   01/04/2022
1046 Notice for Semester II 2021 Marksheet distribution   31/03/2022
1047 Notice Regarding Submission of Annual Report   31/03/2022
1048 Notice Regarding Free Coaching & Training on UPSC Exam   31/03/2022
1049 Notice Commencement of Classes PG Sem-IV   28/03/2022
1050 College Holiday Notice   28/03/2022
1051 Notice Blood Donation Camp   28/03/2022
1052 Notice Meeting on CAS & Promotional Issues   28/03/2022
1053 Awareness Programme on "Share Blood, Save a Life"   28/03/2022
1054 Notice to submit detailed report on online & offline classes   26/03/2022
1055 Call for paper   25/03/2022
1056 Urgent meeting of CAS & Promotional Issues Committee   25/03/2022
1057 Distribution of Semester IV Marksheet 2021   23/03/2022
1058 4th semester admission   23/03/2022
1059 Workshop on "Soft Computing of Spreadsheet Fundamentals"   21/03/2022
1060 Notice to submit proposals of academic activities   21/03/2022
1061 Notice Regarding Blood Donation Camp   17/03/2022
1062 Notice to submit Co-Attainment analysis reports for 2020-21   15/03/2022
1063 Notice for Sem-II, Sem-IV & Sem-VI students regarding hostel   15/03/2022
1064 College Holiday on account of Doljatra   14/03/2022
1065 Notice to submit CAS proforma to IQAC   14/03/2022
1066 Notice to submit detaild report on Online Classes   14/03/2022
1067 Notice Regarding a conference named "Uttaran"   10/03/2022
1068 Reopening Semester I examination 2021 portal   09/03/2022
1069 Tender Notice for purchasing computer   09/03/2022
1070 Reopening Registration Portal 2021-2022   08/03/2022
1071 B.A./B.Sc. Semester- I 2021 Routine   05/03/2022
1072 Notice Regarding Hostel Fees Payment   05/03/2022
1073 Notice Semester VI Admission 2021-2022   04/03/2022
1074 First Semester classes will remain dissolved from 07/03/2022   03/03/2022
1075 Proposal for opening P.G. section   03/03/2022
1076 Notice Regarding Essay Competition i.c.w Women's Day   02/03/2022
1077 P.G. Semester 1 from fillup notice   28/02/2022
1078 Class Suspension Notice on 28.02.2022   26/02/2022
1079 Class Suspension Notice on 26.02.2022   25/02/2022
1080 College Holiday Notice on 01/03/2022   25/02/2022
1081 Notice Regarding Reopening of Semester I examination portal   25/02/2022
1082 Voter Awareness Contest   25/02/2022
1083 Notice Regarding Celebration of Bhasa Sahid Divas   19/02/2022
1084 Notice Regarding Celebration of Annual Sports 2022   19/02/2022
1085 Notice Regarding Discussion on Union Budget   18/02/2022
1086 Notice Regarding Sem-VI class commencement   17/02/2022
1087 Notice Regarding Science Day Celebration   16/02/2022
1088 Notice to celebrate “Antarjatik Matribhasa Divas”   15/02/2022
1089 Tender for third party service for the preparation of digitalized data base of the college   15/02/2022
1090 Tender requires authorized vendors for purchase of various items   15/02/2022
1091 Notice for All Sem-I Students   12/02/2022
1092 Meeting of the Stock Register and Resource Procurement, Management and Maintenance Committee   12/02/2022
1093 P.G. Semester-III Internal Assessment Examination   12/02/2022
1094 College Holiday Notice   11/02/2022
1095 Notice Regarding ENVS project submission   10/02/2022
1096 Regarding Reopening of Registration cum Enrollment   10/02/2022
1097 Notice Regarding College Annual Sports   10/02/2022
1098 Notice Regarding Data and Supporting docs   10/02/2022
1099 Notice Regarding Reopening of College Hostel   08/02/2022
1100 Notice for all Sem-V Students   08/02/2022
1101 Notice Regarding Sem-III Examination Form Fill Up   07/02/2022
1102 Important Notice for all Students and Staffs   07/02/2022
1103 Notice Regarding MA Sem-III Form Fill Up   07/02/2022
1104 Notice Regarding Sem-I Back Form Fill up 2022   03/02/2022
1105 Notice Regarding Sem-I Examination Form Fill Up   02/02/2022
1106 Notice for Saraswati Puja   01/02/2022
1107 Notice Regarding Sem-I Admission Fees Refund   31/01/2022
1108 Notice Regarding B.Sc Sem-III Practical Exam 2022   28/01/2022
1109 Notice for all Sem-III Students   24/01/2022