Department of Philosophy: An Overview
The Department of Philosophy, launched its journey in 1955 as General subject with a few students and marched ahead for the next five years as General subject only. Prof Bandana Sengupta was the first teacher to join the Department. The strength of the students gradually increased. After English, Economics, History and Political Science, there was demand amongst students for opting Philosophy as Honours subject. To meet the growing need of the students, the College appealed for Honours affiliation, and finally the Department obtained approval for introducing Philosophy as Honours subject in 1961. Gradually Prof Pranati Aich and Prof Anjali Bandyopadhyay joined the Department in 1961. In 1965 Prof Ranjana Mitra joined the Department. Prof Doli Dasgupta joined the Department in 1973. Other teachers who joined and after giving their service for a period of time migrated to other institutions were Prof Karuna Bhattacharya, Prof Neeti Gupta, Prof Pratima Mukhopadhyay, Prof Dipali Sengupta, Prof Namita Dasgupta, Prof Nilima Kusari, Prof Aloka Chakravarty and Prof Mira Bhaumik. After retirement of some teachers, Prof Debika Sen Sarkar and Dr. Tapati Banerjee joined the Department in 1991 and 1992 respectively. Prof Masumi Sengupta joined the College in 2003 and migrated to another College in 2014. The existing teachers of the Department are Prof Pran Kumar Rajak. Prof Soma Bagdi, Prof Suman Banerjee and Dr. Ahinpunya Mitra.
There are at present 99+190 sanctioned seats for 4 years and 3 years NEP programmes respectively. In 2016, a separate common room sharing with the Departments of Sanskrit and Political Science was allotted to the Department of Philosophy. Again in 2021, a separate staff room solely for the Department has been set up in the ground floor. All the three classrooms of the Department are adjoined to the staff room This new set up has induced deep enthusiasm in the teachers as well as in the students.
Just after the commencement of classes of first semester each year, a diagnostic test is arranged in the Department for assessing the background of the learners in general and to divide the learners in terms of advanced, average, and slow learners, and guide them accordingly.
The Department has a very enriched stock of books in the central library. Students of advanced merit have the scope of satisfying their yearning for knowledge. The library also fulfils the needs of average merit students. There is also a seminar library, which contains mainly a collection of text books recommended in the syllabus.
The Department is at present conducting Ph.D. programmes. Two scholars are working under the supervision of Dr. Ahinpunya Mitra for the award of Ph.D. degree.
Besides teaching, the Department organizes Seminars, Advanced Lectures, Add-on Courses for the enrichment of the students. Students can express their views independently through their writings in the Wall Magazine and teachers guide them properly in this regard. Every year, students celebrate ‘Teachers’ Day’ with grandeur. Students are also encouraged to participate in Stall-Presentation-Competition held
during Annual Cultural Programme every year. With great enthusiasm, and under the direction of teachers, students take part in such programme.
The Department has produced a large number of successful students throughout the years. Many of the students of the Department have established themselves in various sectors, especially as accomplished teachers in various H.S. Schools and Degree Colleges and keep touch with the Department as Alumni. Some students ranked toppers in UG and PG University Final Examinations.
The faculty members are always ready to render all possible assistance and guidance to the students within and outside the campus as and when required. Consequently, students show good performances in the final examination and go for further higher studies. Even after leaving the College, many of the students of the Department keep close touch with the teachers as their mentors and consult with them for advice in academic matters as well as in other personal crises.